So I decided to change the taillights on my lowered bug. I like the taillights from earlier bugs and I had the opportunity to buy some rear fenders off a 1967 bug that had full taillight assemblies with them so I bought them. I needed to buy new fenders anyways because the ones on it are pretty rusty so It should work out good. The taillights on the 67's are smaller and don't have reverse lights in them. They come with an amber turn signal light but I like the ones that are all red so I bought the all red lenses and decided to put blue dots in them. Here are some pictures of the light assembly with the original lens and the 2 I bought. I took them apart and will clean them up and paint them before I install them.

I used a 7/8 hole saw on my lenses and it worked perfect. Remember to go at a constant speed and don't rush it. Let the saw cut, don't force it or you will crack your lenses. The blue dots I have are a weird size. It measured out at .920 of an inch which is closest to a 59/64 drill bit. I didn't have one so I drilled it to 7/8 and then used a pencil grinder with a tiny barrel sander to get the size I needed.
Here is the first hole cut. Worked like a charm.
Here are both of them done and ready for the blue dots to be installed.

Just remember when your installing the blue dots to twist the tabs of the bezel. If you just bend the tabs over the blue dots will fall out. Here is a picture of the back side of the blue dots and it shows the twist.
Here it is installed. I love the looks of them and hope they look as good on the bug as I am picturing them in my head.
I need to prep the fenders I bought and get a new front fender then I will paint them and install them. Stay tuned for that.
We are managing New Japanese Truck Spare Parts for taillights related to Mitsubishi Trucks, Toyota Dyna, Hino Trucks and Nissan UD Trucks in Australia.
I have done a similar installation in the tail lights of my 1957 Chevy PU. I can't get the tabs to bend like yours. Got any tips? My lenses are a bit thick where I installed them this could be my problem. For now I have them superglued in the chrome ferrule. Any suggestions for me? Dirt don
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