Well, Its time to lower the bonnet on the Bug. I put the deck lid back down on the bug hoping that it will help lower the temperatures outside. I guess I am ready for fall to come. The only problem is that in Utah it usually goes from hot summer to winter right away. A nice mild Fall would be great.

I also changed the oil. In a bug thats a messy job! I had oil everywhere except in the bucket it was suppose to be in. I also got the heating system ready for winter by adding some clamps that went missing this summer and tightening some needed bolts that shook themselves loose. I wasn't going to drive the bug this winter but I am having to much fun to put it in storage. I guess it's time to find out how good a bugs heater works. I know the front windshield fogs up a lot, but I found some rain-x that works on the inside of glass to keep it from fogging up. It seems like these little cars require a lot of little maintenance to keep them going. The nice thing is that it is lots of easy things and if you procrastinate a little they are very forgiving.

Well, I guess summer is coming to a close. I am hoping to take the boys camping once more before winter really hits. I am also ready for summer to be done so work will slow up. I am getting tired of working on these: